1956 - 1990
From locksmithing to boilermaking
Initially specialized in locksmithing in Ouistreham (Normandy), Taillefer is created in 1956. At the end of the 80’s, the society founded by Mr Roger Taillefer inaugurates a new boilermaking workshop at the cutting edge of progress, along the canal linking Caen to the sea in the harbor area of Blainville-sur-Orne.
A leap forward to industry
Under the impulse of Jean-louis Teillant whose objective is to industrialize and automatize the workshops, and in collaboration with welding robots designers, the company specializes in big size silos and industrial plants in the concrete and environment industries, working as subcontractors for companies such as Liebher.
Since 2010
From subcontractor to direct supplier
In 2010, as an acknowledged manufacturer in its line of business, Taillefer operates a strategic shift by directly supplying turnkey solutions to the owners and managers of the industrial units.
A new impetus
At the beginning of 2019, Jean-louis Teillant entrusts the company to the new leading team, Gaëlle Pignet and her husband Jean-Michel Condal, in order to carry on its development as a family owned and independent firm while preserving the base values : technical expertise and quality of the final product.